In 1876, ten years before C��sar Francks violin sonata in the same key, Gabriel Faur�� made a major contribution to the first flowering of French chamber music with his A-major Sonata op. 13. He even found a publisher for it right away, namely Breitkopf & H��rtel in Leipzig. Both the work and the composer were warmly acclaimed immediately after the publication:This sonata contains everything that appeals to the gourmet: new forms, wonderful modulations, unusual tone colors, unexpected rhythms. The pub lisher seems to have picked out a true gem from Faur��s oeuvre, for the sonata soon became very popular, and in 1889, Breitkopf & H��rtel heightened this popularity by releasing an arrangement for violoncello by Carl H��llweck. It is likely that Faur�� not only approved the arrangement, but also proofread it. Long out of print, this edition will once again allowcellists to enjoy Faur��s violin sonata in a competent period arrangemen t.