Christian Haotian Qi

Christian Haotian Qi, one of Australia’s finest operatic tenor, holds a Master's in Opera Performance from the University of Sydney. Renowned for his exceptional talent, he has received prestigious awards, including the Top Prize at the Theodor Leschetizky International Music Competition in Vienna, Gold Award at the La Fenice International Opera Competition in Italy and many more.

Beginning his operatic career as a formal member of the Moffatt Oxenbould Young Artist Program with Opera Australia, Christian has left his musical footprint across the globe. His performances have graced stages in Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Singapore. Notably, in 2013, after winning the gold prize at Theodor Leschetizky Music Competition, he received a full scholarship to pursue further studies in Vienna, Austria. His musical endeavors in Vienna included concerts at renowned venues like Haydn Music Hall and Caesar Music Hall, where he received recognition from the Mayor and Parliament President of Austria.

From the Baroque era to contemporary works, Christian Haotian Qi adeptly and accurately portrays a variety of roles. In recent years, his frequent performances in major Australian theaters have garnered enthusiastic responses. Notably, he was invited to star in the world's first English-language opera production of "The Butterfly Lovers" in Singapore, achieving remarkable success.

Christian has taken on pivotal roles in productions at the Sydney Opera House, including "Carmen," ”La Boheme,””Barber of Seville,”and more, earning unanimous acclaim from mainstream media. His music career has been featured in publications such as "Sydney Morning Herald", “SBS TV”and “Chanel 10” in Australia.

“As Don Giovanni Haotian Qi was terrific and suave, a more than lusty Lothario, sophisticated and in glorious seductive voice . he was menacingly predatory, seemingly charming but dangerous, saucily vicious and yet frustrated at the way the complicated events often frustrate him. He is defiant and pleasure seeking right to the end.” —— review from “Sydney Art Guide”


曾获十五届全国青年歌手电视大奖赛江苏十佳,奥地利Theodor Leschetizky 国际音乐音乐大赛头奖,意大利La Fenice国际歌剧比赛金奖,澳大利亚Joan Carden歌剧比赛大奖等重量级奖项。

他的演出足迹遍布世界各地,曾在意大利、法国、德国、奥地利、瑞士、新加坡等多地演出歌剧及音乐会。2013年在获得Theodor Leschetizky音乐比赛金奖后获全额奖学金赴奥地利维也纳深造。其间在海顿音乐厅、凯撒音乐厅举办音乐会,并受到奥地利市长、议会主席接见,随后应邀参演奥地利第一届“新世纪”音乐节。2017年军旅生涯结束后,他远赴澳大利亚深造,被澳大利亚国家歌剧院纳入其青年艺术家培养计划,同时作为首席艺术家principal artist 签约悉尼歌剧院,维多利亚歌剧院等澳洲主要剧院。

从巴洛克到现代作品,祁浩田熟练且准确地驾驭各类角色,近年来他在澳洲主要剧院频繁演出,反响热烈。今年更是受邀在新加坡主演华人世界首部英文版歌剧《梁祝》并取得巨大成功。他在悉尼歌剧院制作的《唐璜》《卡门》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《图兰朵》《维特》、《魔笛》、《塞维利亚理发师》等作品中担任男主角,受到主流媒体一致好评。近两年来他在澳洲30几个主要城市作为男一号巡回演出歌剧《塞维利亚理发师》。其音乐生涯亦被《悉尼先锋报》、澳洲SBS电视台,Chanel 10等媒体专题报道。澳洲权威乐评Sydney Art Guide评价他有着“温文尔雅,精致而光彩夺目的诱人声音”,乐评Sounds Like Sydney更是评价他在歌剧《唐璜》中饰演的男一号主人公“优秀而高级。意大利语标准,清晰,流畅,声音成熟且极富表现力。”

他擅长AMEB,ABRSM,HSC 教学。帮助学生解决各种声乐表演上的难题并获得好成绩。祁浩田,澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院首席独唱演员,澳大利亚悉尼大学歌剧表演硕士,原中国人民解放军南京军区政治部前线文工团独唱演员。

曾获全军文艺会演二等奖,十五届全国青年歌手电视大奖赛江苏十佳,奥地利Theodor Leschetizky 国际音乐音乐大赛一等奖第一名,意大利La Fenice国际歌剧比赛金奖,澳大利亚Joan Carden歌剧比赛大奖等重量级奖项。

他的演出足迹遍布世界各地,曾在意大利、法国、德国、奥地利、瑞士、新加坡等多地演出歌剧及音乐会。2013年在获得Theodor Leschetizky音乐比赛金奖后获全额奖学金赴奥地利维也纳深造。其间在海顿音乐厅、凯撒音乐厅举办音乐会,并受到奥地利市长、议会主席接见,随后应邀参演奥地利第一届“新世纪”音乐节。2017年军旅生涯结束后,他远赴澳大利亚深造,被澳大利亚国家歌剧院纳入其青年艺术家培养计划,同时作为首席艺术家principal artist 签约悉尼歌剧院,维多利亚歌剧院等澳洲主要剧院。

从巴洛克到现代作品,祁浩田熟练且准确地驾驭各类角色,近年来他在澳洲主要剧院频繁演出,反响热烈。今年更是受邀在新加坡主演华人世界首部英文版歌剧《梁祝》并取得巨大成功。他在悉尼歌剧院制作的《唐璜》《卡门》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《图兰朵》《维特》、《魔笛》、《塞维利亚理发师》等作品中担任男主角,受到主流媒体一致好评。近两年来他在澳洲30几个主要城市作为男一号巡回演出歌剧《塞维利亚理发师》。其音乐生涯亦被《悉尼先锋报》、澳洲SBS电视台,Chanel 10等媒体专题报道。澳洲权威乐评Sydney Art Guide评价他有着“温文尔雅,精致而光彩夺目的诱人声音”,乐评Sounds Like Sydney更是评价他在歌剧《唐璜》中饰演的男一号主人公“优秀而高级。意大利语标准,清晰,流畅,声音成熟且极富表现力。”

他擅长AMEB,ABRSM,HSC 教学,并教授表演与音乐剧课程。帮助学生解决各种声乐及表演上的难题并获得好成绩。